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From trading terms and conditions to international joint ventures, our multi-skilled team of business lawyers and advisers provides a full range of legal advice to help you minimise risk and maximise opportunities in commercial projects and transactions - wherever in the world you are doing business.

Our work includes advice on matters such as:

  • Business-to-business (B2B) contracts with customers, manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, distributors, introducers, agents, franchisees, and sponsors.
  • Business-to-consumer (B2C) contracts with customers.
  • Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
  • Contractual joint ventures.
  • Public/private sector partnerships and collaborations.
  • Private sector bidding/tendering for public sector contracts.
  • Information technology (IT) and software contracts (including licensing, support and maintenance) and software as a service (SAAS) contracts.
  • Standard trading terms and conditions.
  • E-commerce terms and policies.
  • Commercialisation and licensing of intellectual property rights (IPR).
  • Data protection.
  • Cyber security.
  • Competition law.